Newton Primary School opened in 1981, commencing with 156 students providing a primary school educational program for Pre-Primary to Year 6 students. Numbers peaked in 1992 with a school population of 450 students. Currently there are approximately 290 students enrolled at Newton Primary with the school providing a comprehensive program for students from Kindergarten to Year Six.
Newton Primary School is situated 10 km south of Fremantle in Marvell Avenue, Spearwood. The land around the school was predominantly used for market gardening and as a quarry, until approximately 45 years ago. The area now consists mainly of single residential housing.
Our students come from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds. Many of the members of our school population are second generation attendees, as their parents attended the school.
Throughout the year our school and students host a range of events. Mother's Day and Father's Day, are hosted by classrooms with a range of events and parent participation is high. Our Annual ANZAC Day assembly is always well attended by our RSL representative and parents, grandparents and community members. Our end of year Christmas event is always well attended. Our P&C support community events, such as the Easter Hat Parade, Christmas Event, School Halloween Discos and the Faction Carnival
Parent Involvement
Parents are encouraged to participate actively in many aspects of school life. The relationship between student-parent- teacher is one which should be fostered in order to gain the most for your child.
Parents are involved in the school in the following capacities:
Assist in classrooms. Individual teachers can make arrangements to have parents assist in the classroom according to needs.
Assist during excursions.
Assist with library, covering books.
Parents & Citizens Association
School Board
Parent Subcommittees
The P&C is made up of school parents and involved citizens for the purpose of providing support to our school community financial and otherwise.
The key to any of our initiatives, whether it is fund raising for a P&C sponsored project, providing feedback to the Principal and staff on issues of policy and curriculum where appropriate, or organizing an event that brings parents students and teachers together, is involvement.
School Uniforms
Canteen Menu
School Board
Role of the School Board
The role of the Board is that of involvement in the governance of the school. This means taking part in the shaping and monitoring of the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions. In addition, other functions are specified in the legislation.
The Board does not have a role in school management. This is the responsibility of the principal and involves educational leadership and the effective day-to-day administration, supervision and control of the school and its staff.
The Board is formed with the fundamental purpose of enabling parents and members of the community to engage in activities that are in the best interests of students and will enhance the education provided by the school.
School Board Responsibilities
The role of a School Board is outlined in the School Education Act 1999. In essence, the role of a School Board is one of setting the long term future for the school and maintaining oversight (not management) of the school’s operation. It is not about running the school – that is the job of the principal.
It is about providing additional expertise to help the school achieve the best outcomes for the students.