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Specialist Areas

Newton Primary has recruited a number of talented specialist teachers.


These teachers provide specialist teaching in the areas of:


Physical Education,


Music and Drama.


Art is also a specialist subject but this is taught by classroom teachers.    It is an important part of the curriculum and is reported on as a specialist subject in both Semester 1 & 2 student reports.




Music knowledge and skills ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students:

  • develop the confidence to be creative, innovative, thoughtful, skilful and informed musicians

  • develop skills and techniques to actively listen, analyse, improvise, compose and perform music

  • interpret and apply the elements of music, engaging with a diverse array of musical experiences as performers and audience members

  • develop aesthetic appreciation and respect for their own and others' music practices and traditions across different times, places, cultures and contexts.


Students from year 1-6 participate in the music program for 1 hour per week.  The school has a well-equipped music room consisting of a piano, keyboards, recorders, guitars and an extensive range of tuned and untuned percussion instruments. All students have access to a range of musical instruments and a developmental range of skills so students can analyse, improvise, compose and perform their own musical pieces.



Choir is available to students within the school. The school has a senior and a junior choir.  The choir practises once a week and performs regularly at assemblies, special events such as the Massed Choir and  ceremonies such as our Annual ANZAC Day Service.  In addition, our choir has the opportunity to perform at other community events throughout the year.


Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS)

In year 5 and 6  selected students have the opportunity to be involved in the School of Instrumental Studies Programme coordinated by Fremantle College, on behalf of the Education Department of Western Australia. The instruments offered at Newton Primary School are the flute, brass, guitar and clarinet.  Small groups of 5-6 students have a lesson once a week for half an hour with a visiting instrumental teacher from the Instrumental Music School Services.




Drama knowledge and skills ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students develop:

  • confidence, empathy and self-awareness to explore, depict and celebrate human experience, take risks and extend their own creativity through drama

  • knowledge of how to analyse, apply and control the elements, skills, techniques, processes, conventions, forms and styles of drama in traditional and contemporary drama to engage and create meaning for audiences

  • knowledge of the role of group processes and design and technology in the creative process of devising and interpreting drama to make meaning for audiences

  • knowledge of traditional and contemporary drama through responding as critical and active participants and audience members.

Currently students have 40 minute lessons weekly with our Drama Specialist.

Students perform, write scripts, design and make puppets and experiment with a range of voice and acting activities.




Italian as a language subject enables all students to communicate proficiently by providing students with essential communication skills in Italian, an intercultural capability, and an understanding of the role of language and culture in communication.

Languages aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that students:


  • communicate in the target language

  • extend their literacy repertoires

  • understand language, culture, learning and their relationship, and thereby develop an intercultural capability in communication

  • develop understanding of and respect for diversity and difference, and an openness to different experiences and perspectives

  • develop an understanding of how culture shapes worldviews and extend their understanding of themselves, their own heritage, values, culture and identity

  • strengthen their intellectual, analytical and reflective capabilities, and enhance their creative and critical thinking skills

  • understand themselves as communicators.

  • ​

Students at Newton Primary receive 50 minutes of learning in Italian every week.  Younger students in Kindergarten to Year 1 are beginning to use the ELLA program, an Ipad based application, which supports them to begin to engage with Italian at a younger age.




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